Most of Kids now have her head down looking to mobile,I-pad,…

Do you know what does this body language means,having a down head not having the courage to look to people,to communicate with friends?

It means “I am lonely,I love mobile more than anyone else,friends are not important to me ,I don’t care about anyone,I care only about the mobile”

By letting them sit for hours and hours on screen we not only prevent them to develop confidence ,social skills, to talk and communicate with others which is the most important thing for their development and for their happiness

We let them feel down ,depressed,lonely which affect their behavior and their development badly

Same happen to us, when we are sad,lonely we turn to the mobile we chat on whatsapp with friends and we scroll Facebook for hours hope to get anything new to excite us but nothing happen and we turn to be depressed more and more

What we can do about it technology now is big part of our life we can’t takeĀ it away from our children

1- We need to ensure that they sit for shorter period of hours ,children now sit for hours and hours on screens and they turn to be lazy and tired because of the continuous flow of information they have while they are on screen

2- Have at least one hour before they sleep without screen as a kind of mediation before they sleep

3- No screen devices in their room ,kids now woke up in the middle of night to check mobile and I-pad ,watch TV due to the severe obsession ,addiction

To know more what you can do send your email and stay tuned for SCREEN TEEN which help both teens and parent to use screen smartly and efficiently

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