A mother who is very organised always ask her child to be organised ,she can’t bare him when he is disorganised
She always blaming him when he looses things
One day when he lost his jacket at school ,he lied to her and told it in the bag because he doesn’t have the courage, the confidence to say the truth to his mother
Why did the boy lie, why can’t he learn to be organised and listen to his mother ?
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- The problem when you blame your child when he is not perfect and when he does mistakes ,he will loose trust and confidence in himself thinking he is not good and may he believe I am not good and start to act badly, be disorganised because he believes he is disorganised
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- Blaming your child when he is not perfect put a big emotional load on him ( anyone blamed will feel upset) and when you are loaded you can never move forward , can never learn ,can never excel in life
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- The problem when you child is blamed when he does mistakes , he can not learn ,the most effective way that let your child learn is to do mistakes and learn from them, exactly like he used to fall when he was learning to walk, he cried and cried and then stand up again to persuade his walk
We are always concentrating on the negative issues in our child ,when you concentrate only in mistakes ,you miss the opportunity to see other potential in him and raise other strengths he has
When you are seeking perfectionism in your child you are Raising the child you WANT not the child you HAVE
Raise the potential you child have not the potentials you wish that he could have
Dalia Abu Alam
A woman dreaming to make better relaxed ,happy life for our children, want to dream and achieve it with me?
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